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Japan further relaxes visa requirements for Chinese tourists

  In order to promote its tourism industry and realize the ultimate goal of creating a tourism nation, Japan further relaxed visa requirements for individual Chinese tourists on July 1.

  And meanwhile, so as to introduce Japan, a senior official from the Japan Tourism Agency attended a visa granting ceremony in China's Shenyang on July 1, 2010.

  In July 2009, Japan began loosening restrictions on issuing individual tourist visas to Chinese who can earn at least 250,000 yuan per year. The new rules require that individual tourists' annual income be at least 60,000 yuan or have gold cards issued by China's state-owned commercial banks.

  It is estimated that the number of Chinese tourists to Japan will increase tenfold by over 16 million.

| Updated:2010.07.08    Source:    Clicks:3381
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